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Lesson 0: literature-based science indicators: patents and publications

Lesson 1: Science Citation Index; downloading and processing

Lesson 2: text analysis; See also: Pajek Manual: How to analyze frames using semantic maps of a collection of messages?

Lesson 3: journal structures

Lesson 4: centrality and latency

Lesson 5: Patents and Patent Citations

Lesson 6: Embellish the Pajek output

Lesson 7: Extension of MS Access applications (follow-up on Lesson 1)

Lesson 8: Introduction to animations using Visone

Lesson 9: Journal maps for the orientation in Science & Technology areas

Lesson 10:  How can one visualize an asymmetrical (e.g., factor) matrix using Pajek?


















The download option in Web-of-Science were recently (2013) changed. My programs run on downloads saved as “plain text” (under “other file formats” in the “Marked List”) or in the so-called “tagged format.” A title is then indicated with “TI ”, and an author with “AU ”.


The downloaded files (of any size) have to be copied-and-pasted together into a single file named “data.txt” that can thereafter serve as input to the various routines. There is often a limit of 1024 variables, but the number of cases (documents) is not limited (below a systems limitation in Win-32 of 2 GB).


One is advised to run the routines in a command box from the C-prompt because one receives error messages in that configuration. Large sets may require long processing times.


·       TI.exe software for co-word mapping of texts (lines); free for academic use. (FrqList for generating the word frequency distribution.)

·       Citation matrices based on the Journal Citation Reports

·       Fulltext.exe software for co-word mapping of full texts; free for academic use.

·       Citation matrices based on the Chinese JCR (CSTPD/ISTIC)

·       ISI.EXE for organizing a set downloaded from the Web-of-Science into databases for relational database management.

·       National matrices based on patent classifications (WIPO 2006)

·       Scop2WoS.EXE for reorganizing Scopus output files into the tagged format of the Web-of-Science. (This file can be input to HistCite™!)

·       Citation matrices based on the Arts & Humanities Citation Index 2008.

·       Acc2ISI.exe for the reverse route of turning databases (exported from MS Access) into the “tagged” format of the Web-of-Science. See also at  http://www.leydesdorff.net/indicators/lesson7.htm#b .

·       A user-friendly way for generating overlay maps from the Science Citation Index (Rafols, Porter & Leydesdorff, 2010).

·       CoAuth.EXE for visualization of the coauthorship network using a WoS set

·       Mapping the Geography of Science (Leydesdorff & Persson, 2010)

·       BibCoupl.EXE for visualization of the bibliographic coupling among citing authors using a WoS set

·       Network overlay for Google Maps (from Pajek files)

·       BibJourn.EXE for visualization of the bibliographic coupling in terms of cited journals using a WoS set

·       Topcity: indication of excellence on a Google Map

·       BibAuth.EXE for visualization of the bibliographic coupling in terms of cited authors using a WoS set

·       The Integrated Impact Indicator (I3) added to the “times cited” in a download from the Web-of-Science; → aggregations and Google Maps.

·       Combine.EXE for the mapping of heterogeneous networks (co-words, coauthors, and journal names) using a WoS set


·       IntColl.EXE for the analysis and visualization of international collaboration


·       InstColl.Exe for the analysis and visualization of institutional collaboration

See for another overview at http://www.leydesdorff.net/software.htm

·       CityColl.Exe for the analysis and visualization of collaboration at the level of cities (beta-version)


·       Ti.exe and fulltext.exe for Korean; Ti_Ne.exe and Ft_Ne.exe for Dutch.


·       Ti.exe and fulltext.exe for Chinese characters


·       Scopus.Exe for the organization of Scopus output into files for relational database management (MS Access, dBase; no longer reliable).


·    GScholar.Exe for the organization of Google Scholar files into files for relational database management (MS Access, dBase).


·    Google.Exe for the organization of Google files into files for relational database management (MS Access, dBase).


·      ISI2Abs.Exe provides a variant of ISI.Exe that organizes the abstracts of a set from the Web-of-Science for further processing by using FullText.Exe.