
Colloquia Science & Technology Dynamics

University of Amsterdam
Faculty of Social and Behavioral Sciences


in collaboration with

the Amsterdam School of Communications Research ASCoR

the Amsterdam School of Social Science Research ASSR


Oost-Indisch Huis

Kloveniersburgwal 48

1012 CX  Amsterdam


April 25, 2003

room D204


3-4 pm  Koen Frenken (economic geography, Utrecht University)

The geography of research collaboration in US aerospace engineering and US biotechnology & applied microbiology


4-5 pm  Arie Rip (science & technology studies, Twente University)

Technology policy and steering of innovation journeys

June 13, 2003

room D204

3-4 pm  Willem Halffman (Public Administration, Twente University)

Rethinking Political Judgment and Science-Based Expertise


4-5 pm  Leen Dresen (STS/political science, University of Amsterdam)

Scales of nature protection and nationhood in the Netherlands, around 1900




January 25, 2002
room At03

3-4 pm. Rob Hagendijk (political science)

Regulated social worlds:  Science, technology and democratic governance in the 21st century

4-5 pm. Chunglin Kwa (political science)

Local ecologies and global science: Discourses and strategies of the International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme

February 22, 2002

room At03

3-4 pm. Olga Amsterdamska (sociology)

The Human Laboratory:

Experiment and Fieldwork in Epidemiology


4-5 pm. Joep Cornelissen (communication studies) 
The Use of Academic Theories in Public Relations Practice

March 22, 2002
room At03

3-4 pm. Paul Wouters (information sciences, Royal Academy)
Science Studies and Internet Research


4-5 pm. Stuart Blume (anthropology)

Towards a Science of Patient Experience

April 26, 2002

room At03

3-4 pm. Sally Wyatt (communication studies)
Turned on or turned off: accessing health information on the Internet


4-5 pm. Gerard de Vries (philosophy of science & technology),

What can science studies contribute to ethics?

May 24, 2002

room At03

3-4 pm. Anja Hiddinga (anthropology)

Looking past the boundaries: the relations of medical history to history of science and science and technology studies


4-5 pm. John Grin (political science)

Transities naar duurzame ontwikkeling: een kritische blik vanuit politicologie en wetenschapsdynamica

June 28, 2002

room At03

3-4 pm. Amade M’charek (political science)

On Genetic Markers: Standardisation and Naturalisation in Studies of Human Genetic Diversity


4-5 pm. Loet Leydesdorff (communication studies)

“Mode 2,” “National Systems of Innovation,” “the Triple Helix:” Can the “Knowledge-Base” of an Economy be Measured ?

September 27, 2002

room F 002 (VOC room)


in collaboration with

the ICT Colloquium of ASCoR 

2-3 pm. Moses Boudourides (University of Patras, Greece),

Computer-Mediated and Policy Networks in the Governance of Science & Technology


3-4 pm. Richard Rogers (Movie and Television Studies, Faculty of Humanities, UvA)

The Viagra Files: The Web as Anticipatory Medium

(and what the Web does to Science and Technology Studies)


4-5 pm. drinks offered by ASCoR

October 25, 2002

room B 017

3-4 pm. Anne Beaulieu (Networked Research and Digital Information, NIWI-Royal Academy)

Flow, form and feelings:

Investigating networks of data-exchange among scientists


4-5 pm. Teun Zuiderent (health policy management, EU Rotterdam)

Medical bodies and nobodies; on distributed patienthood

November 29, 2002

room B 017

3-4 pm. Caroline Wagner (communication studies)

 Is International Collaboration Creating a New Dynamic for Knowledge Production in Science?


4-5 pm. Annemiek Nelis (political science UvA)

Inclusion and Exclusion: following scientists in a biomecial research project

January 31, 2003

room At 03

3-4 pm. Dick Pels (sociology)

 Unhastening Science


4-5 pm. Arnold Wilts (public administration and communication, Free University of Amsterdam)

Managing Innovation - R&D networks of multinational companies in the pharmaceutical sector


February 28, 2003

room At 03

3-4 pm. Noortje Marres (philosophy, UvA)

The shifting configurations of issue-networks: the case of the Development Gateway, or how to use the Web to tease out emergent forms of issue-politics


4-5 pm. Mark Leenders (communication studies, UvA)

 The Marketing-R&D Interface and Innovation Performance in the Pharmaceutical Industry


March 28, 2003

room E002

(Bewindvoerderszaal VOC)


3-4 pm. Iina Hellsten (communication studies, UvA)

Metaphors as tools of communication


4-5 pm. Andrea Scharnhorst (NERDI/NIWI, Royal Academy)

Complex networks theory - the emergence of a new specialty


  mailing list wetenschapsdynamica (Science Dynamics) UvA
mailing list Science & Technology Studies (international)

Colloquia AVRIL, 2001
