International journal of Technology Management and Sustainable Development Volume 7 Number 3 - 2008 Special Issue: Knowledge for Innovation in Latin America |
193-204 New directions in Latin American university-industry-government interactions Jose Manoel Carvalho de Mello and Henry Etzkowitz 205-221 The path to innovation: the Cuban experience Tirso W. Saenz 223-235 Intellectual property protection, plant breeding and seed markets: a comparative analysis of Brazil and Argentina Marcos Paulo Fuck, Sergio Salles-Filho, Sergio Paulino de Ciirvalho and Maria Beatriz M. Bonacelli 237-249 Research organization in the university: the case of a leading Uruguayan group in basic science Mdriela Bianco and Nilia Viscardl 251-264 Business associations and their contribution to knowledge networks in Mexico Matilde Luna and Ricardo Tirtido |
265 Index