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Bridges and Research Agendas Between “Qualitative” and “Quantitative” Science Studies,

Loet Leydesdorff, Ismael Rafols, & Staša Milojević,
Quantitative Science Studies, Special Issue 1(3), 918–1055.


Table of Contents

Bridging the divide between qualitative and quantitative science studies

Loet Leydesdorff, Ismael Ràfols, and Staša Milojević

Quantitative Science Studies 2020 1:3, 918-926

Numbers or no numbers in science studies

Geoffrey C. Bowker

Quantitative Science Studies 2020 1:3, 927-929

Against method: Exploding the boundary between qualitative and quantitative studies of science

Donghyun Kang and James Evans

Quantitative Science Studies 2020 1:3, 930-944

Is “the time ripe” for quantitative research on misconduct in science?

Harriet Zuckerman

Quantitative Science Studies 2020 1:3, 945-958

The impact of J. D. Bernal’s thoughts in the science of science upon China: Implications for today’s quantitative studies of science

Yong Zhao, Jian Du, and Yishan Wu

Quantitative Science Studies 2020 1:3, 959-968

Powerful numbers: Exemplary quantitative studies of science that had policy impact

Diana Hicks and Kimberley R. Isett

Quantitative Science Studies 2020 1:3, 969-982

Quantitative science studies should be framed with middle-range theories and concepts from the social sciences

Thomas Heinze and Arlette Jappe

Quantitative Science Studies 2020 1:3, 983-992

Whose text, whose mining, and to whose benefit?

Christine L. Borgman

Quantitative Science Studies 2020 1:3, 993-1000

Gender, science, and academic rank: Key issues and approaches

Mary Frank Fox

Quantitative Science Studies 2020 1:3, 1001-1006

Geography of scientific knowledge: A proximity approach

Koen Frenken

Quantitative Science Studies 2020 1:3, 1007-1016

Beyond networks: Aligning qualitative and computational science studies

Alberto Cambrosio, Jean-Philippe Cointet, and Alexandre Hannud Abdo

Quantitative Science Studies 2020 1:3, 1017-1024

Past as prologue: Approaches to the study of confirmation in science

Henry Small

Quantitative Science Studies 2020 1:3, 1025-1040

From indicators to indicating interdisciplinarity: A participatory mapping methodology for research communities in-the-making

Noortje Marres and Sarah de Rijcke

Quantitative Science Studies 2020 1:3, 1041-1055