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The Measurement of Interdisciplinarity in Document Sets


The routines on this page provide the user with a set of diversity measures for the cited journals in the references of each paper in a document set downloaded from the Web-of-Science in the “plain text” format. The downlod format reads as follows:


FN Clarivate Analytics Web of Science

VR 1.0


AU Leydesdorff, L

   Johnson, MW

   Ivanova, I

AF Leydesdorff, Loet

   Johnson, Mark W.

   Ivanova, Inga

TI Toward a calculus of redundancy: Signification, codification, and

   anticipation in cultural evolution


LA English

DT Review
.. ..


If more than a single file is downloaded (in sections of 500 records), these have to be made into one by copying and pasting in an ASCII editor (e.g., WordPad) or by concatenating the files from the c-prompt using the following command:   C:\temp\copy savedrec*.* data.txt. The file name “data.txt” is obligatory for reading the data into the routine jcitnetw.exe. (Save the routine and data.txt into the same folder.) Running jcitnetw.exe, provides the file “mtrx.net” in the Pajek format. (The routine jcitnetw.exe replaces bibjourn.exe which has an obsolete size limit.)


Open the file mtrx.net in Pajek:


1.      Transpose the file using >Nietwork>2-Mode network> Transpose 2-Mode. The resulting network file can be saved under a unique name (e.g., “your_file.net”) into the default folder.

2.      > Network > 2-Mode network> Partition into 2 Modes

3.      > Network > 2-Mode network> 2 Mode to 1 Mode > Rows

4.      Save the resulting file as “coocc.net” into the default folder.


Run mode2div.exe after saving this routine into the same folder. Provide your network name (like “your_file.net” above) when prompted. The resulting file div_col.dbf can be read by Excel or SPSS. It contains the values of Rao-Stirling Diversity, DIV, Simpson, Gini, Shannon, etc. for each document in the sample. These documents are abbreviated in the first column (using the ISI conventions). The scores are based on including all references. If one wishes to exclude records (e.g., document types), this has to be done in the import file “data.txt” before the analysis.


Amsterdam, 27 January 2019.


A further extension for the measurement of synergy in terms of redundancy can be found at http://www.leydesdorff.net/software/redundancy